You can print text to the screen using the print command.
print Hi there, programmer!
print Welcome to Hedy!
In Hedy you will find exercises in every adventure. An exercise allows you to practise the new commands and concepts, and lets you give your own twist to the example codes.
In this exercise you will see a pink blank space. You have to fill something in the place of the blank space before the code can be run.
Fill in the print command in the blank space and then add five more lines of code. Each line has to start with a print command.
Have fun!
_ Hello!
Create your own online pet parrot that will copy you!
print Im Hedy the parrot
ask whats your name?
Copy the example code to your input screen by clicking on the yellow button.
Make the parrot ask a different question. Fill in the blanks in the example!
Extra You can also let the parrot ask multiple questions. Type in some more lines of code beneath your own code.
print Im Hedy the parrot
ask _
You can also use Hedy to draw. By combining turns and lines, you can make a square or stairs!
Using forward you draw a line forwards. The number behind it determines how far the turtle will walk. turn right turns a quarter turn in clockwise direction, turn left turns counter clockwise.
If you want to go backwards, you use the forward command but with a negative number. So for example forward -100
forward 100
turn left
This is the start of a little staircase. Can you make it have 5 steps?
forward 20
turn right
forward 20
turn left
forward 20
Welcome to a debugging adventure. Debugging a code means getting rid of mistakes in the code.
That means that in these debugging adventures, we will show you code that does not work yet.
You will have to figure out what's wrong and correct the mistakes.
Debug this code. Good luck!
Warning! This code needs to be debugged!
print I love programming
Do you love programming too?
print What are your hobbies?
echo Your hobbies are